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Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing at St. Andrew's C.E. Infants'School

At St. Andrew's  we place Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing at the heart of everything we do.  Mental Health is not a disorder, it is a spectrum.  It affects us all differently.  Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing affects the way we feel, behave and think.

At St. Andrew's, we aim to promote positive Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing for every member of our school community, including all pupils and their families and all members of staff.  We pursue this aim through a whole school approach.  We believe that all members of staff have an important role to play, acting as a source of support and information for both pupils, parents and carers, and colleagues.  ALL members of staff are expected to model positive, respectful, kind and caring relationships.

At St. Andrew's we believe that all behaviour is communication.  We think to ourselves "What is this child trying to tell me? What needs are they needing to be met? What has happened to this child?  What strategies are they using to survive?"

At St. Andrew's we promote and model pro-social behaviours.  These include Empathy, Kindness, and Co-operation.

At St. Andrew's we teach the children:

  • It is OK not to be OK.
  • It is good to talk.

Who to talk to


How do we support?

Useful Websites and Links

Ways to help at Home

Mental Health Information Leaflets

Webinars for Parents/Carers: https://www.sussexpartnership.nhs.uk/about-us/news-events/latest-news/childrens-mental-health-webinars-launch-parents-and-carers

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